Sunday, September 8, 2013

And the Countdown Begins--Gran Fondo Niagara Falls, Ontario

Five days and I ride my first Gran Fondo, in fact, my first big ride since doing the Enbridge Ride to Conquer Cancer in 2012. I was on track to be much fitter and prepared for this ride than that one but with a broken wrist that is gone. At least this is only one day. And I have about 8hrs. in which to ride 124km so I believe I can do it.

My wrist is healing according to the latest X-ray, it feels better too. Still is painful but that could be the sprain that most likely occurred at the same time. We never discussed if it was in fact sprained, but it is the same pain & area as my left hand. The ankle is still tender but no pain unless my medical team pokes it. The bruising is gone from my chin, thigh and knee.

I've only riden outside once since being told I can ride (and only once between riding immediately after the crash and being told it is broken). The other times I've used my trainer set up. The first day I set it up outside and watched "The Philadelphia Story" (with Katherine Hepburn). I then set it up in the living room facing outside. I find it boring so I don't seem to last more than a movie, which have been just under 2 hrs. That worries me. Endurance is a major need for this ride. There is also one nasty hill- Effingham. There is a jersey for the fastest time up the hill. Since it'll go to an elite cyclist, I was thinking that it should go to the person in the 6+ seed group who actually rode it up without stopping or walking!

I'm to stop in at the Medical trailer and say hi to the co-ordinator. He was hired to do all three Gran Fondos by GFCanada. Hopefully it will be a friendly visit and not a "need to" visit.  After viewing nasty ripped apart fingers, I'm going to wear my gloves with fingers. I can put the brace on over the glove. That is the joy of a brace and not a cast, I can remove it. Which is nice because it'll get sweaty under it during the ride.

Here's to the ride! I'm still pumped even with my health concerns.

Here I come Ontario! I love the Niagara region, so beautiful. So hope there are peaches left for me to eat.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Libby,

    Well...where's the follow up as to how you did or is this like a FC tease?
