In the past couple of years I've learned a little about attachment parenting theory and apparently unknowingly raised my four with aspects of it.
A bedtime ritual is a part of attachment parenting and I can attest that by fostering a connection with the child you actually make them truly independent. It seems counter productive to actively encourage being attached to you yet it creates a sense of security in them that they can leave you and know you will always be available for them to go back to.
Resiliency is what enables a child who is told or expected to do things by themselves to carry on and grow up. I wonder if that sense of insecurity that so many have stems from not being truly attached to someone significant in their lives when they were young.
Attachment theory and helicopter parenting are very different. One is encouraging an emotional connection and the other is to do with controlling the activity of the child. Example, a child (lets say is 4, old enough to use the equipment on their own) who is running all over a playground, climbing, sliding, swinging while the parent is sitting on a bench reading or chatting with someone else. The child looks towards or runs up to the parent every so often before continuing on with their play. The child is secure as long as their parent is within view and can be easily reached.
The helicopter parent is right there at the swing, slide, monkey bars ensuring the child doesn't slip or run too fast or use the equipment in a different manner than they think it should be used for. Or is worried that their child will be abducted (stranger abductions are extremely rare in well lit, well supervised & occupied playgrounds). Heliparent is telling their child HOW to climb, HOW to slide, HOW to interact with other children.
In case you think I'm exaggerating, I've been at a park with those parents and being generous I figure their child has never been outside their own yard before and has never used playground equipment. In that case the parent is teaching their 4 year old about something that is foreign to them. I think that for most children that is being a little TOO generous! By 4 a child has or should have experience and ability to use most playground equipment by themselves. In the western world that is. Developing countries are different. Unfortunately.
Attachment parenting is creating a strong bond with your child that enables them to be independent without any insecurity baggage. Who would you rather marry, someone who loves their parent(s) and can live a part from them, enjoys being with them, or to someone who does family obligations as though it is a form of torture or in order to solicit acknowledgement or praise from the parent(s)? The former is the one who has a deep attachment and has no need to continually seek praise or acknowledgment because they already received it in their early childhood and it has been maintained throughout their life!
Over the next few weeks I'll post ideas on how to foster that deep relationship.
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Thursday, October 25, 2012
I am early interventionist and hear me roar
I should be getting ready for the formal event tonight, you know, making sure the clothes I want to wear are, well, wearable. I know or am pretty sure they're clean, I know the skirt fits-tried it on last week, so I don't have to find or make one this morning before class.
I went back to school, again. This time for a degree in Social Work. I am like a fish out of water there. A turnip in among squashes, enough in common to know I can make a new type of serving but still different. I can't imagine how the business major or math major feels! I think that the department accepted us because we ARE different, we see the world differently, we see the possibilities that social work can offer us career-wise. I am a transfer student, meaning that I either have a degree already or at least 2 years of another one. Some of my classes have the post-diploma students, they have a diploma in Social Work and are now finishing up the last bit to earn their bachelor's degree. Makes for a nice balance in those classes-we are to learn from each other. Might've been nice to be mixed with the 'regular' degree people. If they take these classes.
A lot of classes use homelessness, addictions, poverty (that goes hand-in-hand with the first two) as the basis for a lot of the theories and practical stuff. I see the need to address why we don't take early developmental concerns seriously. Why is "they'll grow out of it" still prevalent? If these concerns were addressed before preschool when they first show up then a lot of the poverty causes/issues would be addressed and only later developing issues would need to be causes. Some issues from preschool and that era are lifelong and will impact future coping abilities, but a lot of people will be given skills that will lessen the impact. Sigh. Uphill road it is. I am early interventionist and hear me roar.
If you suspect your child isn't acquiring the motor skills/language or whatever you think they should be able to do by now, insist on seeing a professional who can determine if they are progressing in the general time frame or do in fact need assistance. It is easier to straighten a tree when it is a sapling than when it has a bigger trunk.
I went back to school, again. This time for a degree in Social Work. I am like a fish out of water there. A turnip in among squashes, enough in common to know I can make a new type of serving but still different. I can't imagine how the business major or math major feels! I think that the department accepted us because we ARE different, we see the world differently, we see the possibilities that social work can offer us career-wise. I am a transfer student, meaning that I either have a degree already or at least 2 years of another one. Some of my classes have the post-diploma students, they have a diploma in Social Work and are now finishing up the last bit to earn their bachelor's degree. Makes for a nice balance in those classes-we are to learn from each other. Might've been nice to be mixed with the 'regular' degree people. If they take these classes.
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
Temple Open house
Calgary has a temple, the 3rd for Alberta and it is a beauty! I took a photo with my cell phone and the sky was a beautiful blue...I haven't downloaded it yet. The next day I went with my 'big' camera and took these.
Note the wheat is throughout the building--celebrating the importance of agriculture in Alberta.
The main entrance (you can see the reflection of the passageway tents from the meetinghouse to the temple):
The temple is also built to honour our first temple in Canada/Alberta...the Cardston Temple:
In March 2012 it (the Calgary Temple) looked like this:
In 2010 the ground was broken for it:
The weather was wonderful. If you can go through the open house ('til October 20) do so! Here's a link to making a reservation (it so 30,000 people don't show up all at of Sunday there had been 77,000 reservations made!) Free reservations for the open house can be made online through or by calling 1-855-537-2000.
Thursday, August 16, 2012
Professional development/credit courses for you...
On-line courses that can be completed by anyone in the world. It would really expand each participants experience if there were people in it that are relating the course work to the country & culture they're living in. I've taken the Child & Youth Human Rights course and found it amazing. Ellen (teacher & writer) is a very fair appraiser of your work. They are through Mount Royal University- which is where I earned my degree in Child Studies.
This course will enable you to understand what all the fuss about Child & Human Rights is all about. Especially Americans whose country has not signed the Convention on the Rights of the Child (there is I think only one other country that belongs to the UN who haven't...either it is Congo or Sudan...I think they're too busy doing other stuff right now). There is a lot of misinformation out there and finding out for yourself PLUS having professional credit is a bonus!
Just reading the course descriptions is interesting!
Child and Youth Human Rights – Fully Online Extension Certificate
Become an advocate for child and youth human rights and inform your professional practice through this online program that focuses on the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child(CRC).
Become an advocate for child and youth human rights and inform your professional practice through this online program that focuses on the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child(CRC).
This certificate is especially useful for individuals interested in learning more about child and youth human rights issues, such as for practitioners within the fields of child and youth care, education, early learning and child care, social work, justice, child welfare and counselling.
Required Courses (for the certificate)
Promotion of CRC: Child & Youth Advocacy (Fall 2012)
Protection Rights: Child & Youth Welfare (Fall 2012)
Provision Rights: Child & Youth Healthy Development (Winter 2013)
Participation Rights: Child & Youth Responsible Citizenship (Winter 2013)
Please visit this website for additional information regarding program requirements and course descriptions:
Participation Rights: Child & Youth Responsible Citizenship (Winter 2013)
Please visit this website for additional information regarding program requirements and course descriptions:
Gain an understanding of the cultural diversity of our changing Canadian society and an awareness of how to apply that knowledge to professional practice in human services. Viewed through the lens of international, national, provincial and territorial human rights legislation, as well as standards of non-discrimination and inclusion, this certificate explores current issues presented by cultural diversity in Canada.
The certificate is ideal those individuals interested in learning more about cultural diversity in Canadian society, such as human services professionals working within the fields of child and youth care, education, early learning and child care, social work, justice, child welfare, counselling, nursing, human resources, and health care.
Required Courses (for the certificate)
Exploring Cultural Diversity in Canada (Fall 2012)
Cultural Diversity in the Workplace (Fall 2012)
Cultural Diversity in the Community (Winter 2013)
Cultural Diversity in the Family (Winter 2013)
Cultural Diversity in the Community (Winter 2013)
Cultural Diversity in the Family (Winter 2013)
Please visit this website for additional information regarding program requirements and course descriptions:
Phoenix, AZ play yard |
Dr Ellen Murray, Mount Royal University
Register now for Fall 2012!
P: 403.440.3833 or toll-free 1.877.287.8001
P: 403.440.6867 or toll-free 1.866.616.3606
P: 403.440.3833 or toll-free 1.877.287.8001
P: 403.440.6867 or toll-free 1.866.616.3606
Both courses were written by a former Prof of mine...she is really knowledgeable about both subjects. Here is contact information:
Friday, August 10, 2012
Family ties & land
So, spent 10 days with my hubby & a bunch (4) of in-laws. We were bringing Dad/FIL to his brother's 80th b-day party 3 provinces over. He doesn't drive that far & MIL doesn't travel well, ok, she doesn't enjoy traveling. It was really a good one was strangled (me included). I got to see Ontario again...just not the part I have relatives in.
We visited the remains of that house that he lived in for the first 6 years of his life. It is located next to the land his grandparents homesteaded in the early 1900's.
This is his brother & I think that is the well or outhouse. I was back at the "house" with my FIL trying in vain to record his memories. It is at the end of the road that is named for his family.
When we were in Winnipeg we found my dad's house that he grew up in. I took a bunch of photos of it & my hubby took one of me standing in front.
I wonder how much it has changed inside. No one came out and I didn't feel I had the time, with 5 people waiting for me in a hot van (even with AC the sun beats in through the windows).
Saw some pretty neat stuff too:
Saskatchewan's Mental Health Corrrectional Facility in North Battleford. (Ellen DeGeneres--say that 3 times fast!)
On the steps of the Manitoba Legislature building:
We visited the remains of that house that he lived in for the first 6 years of his life. It is located next to the land his grandparents homesteaded in the early 1900's.
This is his brother & I think that is the well or outhouse. I was back at the "house" with my FIL trying in vain to record his memories. It is at the end of the road that is named for his family.
When we were in Winnipeg we found my dad's house that he grew up in. I took a bunch of photos of it & my hubby took one of me standing in front.
I wonder how much it has changed inside. No one came out and I didn't feel I had the time, with 5 people waiting for me in a hot van (even with AC the sun beats in through the windows).
Saw some pretty neat stuff too:
Saskatchewan's Mental Health Corrrectional Facility in North Battleford. (Ellen DeGeneres--say that 3 times fast!)
The stone fence looks handmade |
On the steps of the Manitoba Legislature building:
"Oh, don't we all?" |
Russell, Manitoba: in 2007 hubby & I stayed overnight there and found it a really neat place...didn't notice the bull then. Or I just can't remember seeing it. How I'd forget this I don't know!
![]() |
"Arthur" |
A huge field of Sunflowers growing by Dugald Road, east of Winnipeg. My dad had a family friend who owned a farm that we seemed to often visit during haying season. Cheap labour! (unskilled too). I loved visiting the farm. Uncle Em's parents lived in Anola...and we called them Grampa & Gramma Em. Was years before I realized they were all called the same name & found out that was their surname! Loved them.
Traveling to family,
Monday, June 25, 2012
Ride to Conquer Cancer 2012 Conquered?
I did it. I rode my bike 145km (90miles) in about 8 1/2 hours over two days. I was able to finish the first day-120km then the next morning I felt ok but then when I started it was like picking up from where I left off the day before. Ouch. It was a hard ride, mostly uphill in rain. Thankfully the wind wasn't very bad...light for southern Alberta actually.
Then we camp. In mud. And rain. Ahh nothing like putting on damp clothing in the morning. We (DH & I) fared better than others as our tent barely leaked while others had pools of water in their's.
We had a downpour Saturday evening so the entire campsite was a mudfest.
People wore grocery bags, torn polymer emergency blankets or garbage bags on their feet. Some compared it to Woodstock.
On the upside, over $8million dollars was raised for the Alberta Cancer Foundation for Cancer research. Pretty cool.
1854 people started the ride on all types of bicycles: road bikes (even saw a couple of vintage 10-speeds!), mountain bikes (all types!), hybrids, a recumbent, a single speed, and striders -which they look like elliptical trainers on wheels. I was so amazed to be passed by people riding heavy about shear muscle work!
I rode until my body said no more. But I rode over the finish line and so I'm ready for the next adventure...
and thanks to Ride With GPS, I'm going to do their Tour de France Challenge. I'm doing their 1/4TdF: 874.25km (543.25mi) done between June 30 & July 22.
Check it out here:
Sunday, June 3, 2012
New gears = new hills to climb
I posted this on my 'personal page' for the Enbridge Ride to Conquer Cancer' but thought it worthy of here (since I'm very sure I'm the only one who sees that page).
Last Saturday I participated in Cyclepath's "Ride With Jim" event. Jim is taking a bunch of neophyte road bikers and helping them ride efficiently & safer. I have a hybrid (a cross between a road bike & a mountain bike) so I used my road bike part as a reason to crash the party. (if you can see it, there is a painted cross-stitch pattern on the cross bar by the stem).
I learned sooo much about climbing hills. With my hands/arms closer together I sit higher and open my lungs more, pedal like I was scraping mud off of them, move forward or backward on my saddle to change groups of muscles that are working hard. He also suggested that I think about getting a mountain bike cassette (that's cyclespeak for the rear wheel gears) because they're bigger and therefore makes climbing hills easier.
On Monday I test drove/rode road bikes-women's and two mens. Specialized Rubys in two sizes-no wow moment. The Specialize Rubaiux (men's version of the Ruby) was like going home-back to my beloved deceased 1975 BRC 10 speed. I also tried a Cervelo...which unfortunately the seat killed whatever pleasure the power the bike had because it was like riding on the seatpost! Ouch. I decided that I would wait until next year to buy one...when I would have a cornucopia of styles and makes to choose from.
On Tuesday I had my mountain bike gears installed. Yes they do help quite a bit with the hill climbing. I kept forgetting to put it in the smallest front sprocket yet it climbed much easier than before. Worth every penny.
Yesterday I started with the "Ride With Jim" crowd but since I was the last one up the Sikome Lake hill I choose to do my own route and let them do the regular route without me holding them up. I still rode 34km., just at my leisure and I met up with them at the top of the hills by Spruce Meadows. They had only been there for a couple of minutes before I showed up. I made it up 1.5 the the two hills walked a short way and then was able to ride the rest of the way. That was only thanks to the new gear ratios.
Last Saturday I participated in Cyclepath's "Ride With Jim" event. Jim is taking a bunch of neophyte road bikers and helping them ride efficiently & safer. I have a hybrid (a cross between a road bike & a mountain bike) so I used my road bike part as a reason to crash the party. (if you can see it, there is a painted cross-stitch pattern on the cross bar by the stem).
I learned sooo much about climbing hills. With my hands/arms closer together I sit higher and open my lungs more, pedal like I was scraping mud off of them, move forward or backward on my saddle to change groups of muscles that are working hard. He also suggested that I think about getting a mountain bike cassette (that's cyclespeak for the rear wheel gears) because they're bigger and therefore makes climbing hills easier.
On Monday I test drove/rode road bikes-women's and two mens. Specialized Rubys in two sizes-no wow moment. The Specialize Rubaiux (men's version of the Ruby) was like going home-back to my beloved deceased 1975 BRC 10 speed. I also tried a Cervelo...which unfortunately the seat killed whatever pleasure the power the bike had because it was like riding on the seatpost! Ouch. I decided that I would wait until next year to buy one...when I would have a cornucopia of styles and makes to choose from.
On Tuesday I had my mountain bike gears installed. Yes they do help quite a bit with the hill climbing. I kept forgetting to put it in the smallest front sprocket yet it climbed much easier than before. Worth every penny.
Yesterday I started with the "Ride With Jim" crowd but since I was the last one up the Sikome Lake hill I choose to do my own route and let them do the regular route without me holding them up. I still rode 34km., just at my leisure and I met up with them at the top of the hills by Spruce Meadows. They had only been there for a couple of minutes before I showed up. I made it up 1.5 the the two hills walked a short way and then was able to ride the rest of the way. That was only thanks to the new gear ratios.
Saturday, May 19, 2012
I have a dream...that moms & dads know what they know
If I could do anything in the world it would be to encourage parents (mom's especially) to believe in their abilities to teach their children skills that prepare them for success in the world.
I'd want them to know that they don't have to send their child to preschool in order to learn to count or say their ABC's, to learn to share or how to use scissors safely and competently. I know that they are just as able to let their child explore painting with shaving cream, to colour within the lines or treat others nicely as a formally educated stranger. And I would want them to understand that pre-reading & writing skills aren't only learned when there are 14-24 other 3 & 4 year olds in the same room as their child.
Children learn through experience and I would brainstorm with those moms & dads about what activities they are doing with their children and what more they could do that would give their children meaningful experiences.
I'd want them to know that they don't have to send their child to preschool in order to learn to count or say their ABC's, to learn to share or how to use scissors safely and competently. I know that they are just as able to let their child explore painting with shaving cream, to colour within the lines or treat others nicely as a formally educated stranger. And I would want them to understand that pre-reading & writing skills aren't only learned when there are 14-24 other 3 & 4 year olds in the same room as their child.
Children learn through experience and I would brainstorm with those moms & dads about what activities they are doing with their children and what more they could do that would give their children meaningful experiences.
Thursday, May 10, 2012
For my Uncle George I'm cycling 200km
In just over a month I'll be riding my bicycle for over 200km (about 124 miles) in the foothills of the Canadian Rockies. I'm thrilled with the chance to do this ride, I've wanted to do this ever since I heard about it a few years ago.
I'm a terrible fundraiser for myself, I can ask for donations for school councils but not for my projects. And this is a project. I have to be fit to endure the length of time I'll be in the saddle, I have to learn how to ride up hills without wheezing, I had to have my bike professionally fitted (so important to have done and was worth the dollars spent) and collect the clothing and equipment for the actual trip. Those are the easy parts of this project. The hard part is fundraising. I need your help, please donate so that I can do the ride. If I don't raise the $2500.00 minimum I cannot ride. I have raised only $965 and there is about 44 days left! Here is my personal page: where online donations can be made. You can also see all the people I am riding for.
I'm especially riding for my Uncle George who is fighting cancer right now. Dr. George Beaton spent his career years helping improve life for everyone else nutritionally. He helped develop a relief diet for the United Nations to aid malnourished refugees, researched iron supplementation for infants, children and women of childbearing years, identified the effectiveness of Vitamin A supplement in reducing child morbidity & mortality in developing countries and a couple of years ago was awarded the Order of Canada for his work. I'm going to display his name on my jersey's back. Dr. George Beaton helped the world and now I'm going to help him.
I'm a terrible fundraiser for myself, I can ask for donations for school councils but not for my projects. And this is a project. I have to be fit to endure the length of time I'll be in the saddle, I have to learn how to ride up hills without wheezing, I had to have my bike professionally fitted (so important to have done and was worth the dollars spent) and collect the clothing and equipment for the actual trip. Those are the easy parts of this project. The hard part is fundraising. I need your help, please donate so that I can do the ride. If I don't raise the $2500.00 minimum I cannot ride. I have raised only $965 and there is about 44 days left! Here is my personal page: where online donations can be made. You can also see all the people I am riding for.
Who would you have me ride for?
Let me know. And donate for them.
Sunday, April 8, 2012
A week ago today my hubby & I returned from the land of warmth to...cold. Interestingly enough, we weren't in Mexico or Hawaii either but in Georgia. It was my first visit there and enjoyed ourselves a lot.
My first visit to a Piggly Wiggly-
Back City Woods playing-that mandolin player sure gets into the music!
Margaret Mitchell's house
An telegram concerning "Gone With the Wind"
A visit to CNN
Atlanta's main street (it seems it is as it travels just about the whole way north to south)
Martin Luther King's memorial & house
The weather-87F! woot! woot! in MARCH!
(it was really hard for my camera to focus in the dark & BTW we were on the freeway and being passed by other drivers!)
Savannah-the Historic District-imagine climbing these in a 19th Century dress!
The house from "In the Garden of Good and Evil" movie
I now have my own Piggly Wiggly bag to bring to the airport
(a Jeff Foxworthy reference)
Tybee Island Lighthouse
and the Atlantic Ocean (with me in it)
Village Pizza- a really good pizza in Metter-where "everything is better..."
An evening in the Allman Brother's (Museum) backyard
listening to good music (Macon).
Back City Woods playing-that mandolin player sure gets into the music!
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