not even me. Dispite having a living room that resembles an average teenagers bedroom and I'm sure there's a dinning table under the sewing machines and baked goods, I'm lounging on the only empty seating space. On the positive side, all the packages are mailed! And here's hoping they'll arrive by next Friday! Please Mr. (Canada) Postman please deliver them so my nieces and nephews can open their gifts on Christmas Day. If not, it won't be the first Christmas that they had gifts to open just before New Years Day.

The tree is trimmed, the nativity sets are on display and even the piano top is tidy! I just remembered that there are some missing stockings, guess I just have to whip up some more! I actually like making stockings. I grew up with only one but I'd make a new one for each person every 2nd year or so if I knew what to do with the previous ones.
Dispite ESPing my place to tidy itself for years, it won't clean itself up. Gone are the days were I could say "babies don't keep and dust bunnies will always be there". Well, the babies are adults and those dust bunnies have multiplied. I'd love to blame those former babies because three of them are still here, but the stuff is mine. Crafts are invasive and I think if left to roam freely would crush the dust bunnies. hmmm, there's a thought.
Favourite Christmas song line: "Christmas is coming, how joyful it will be. The family will gather 'round the Christmas tree"
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