Thursday, August 16, 2012

Professional development/credit courses for you...

On-line courses that can be completed by anyone in the world. It would really expand each participants experience if there were people in it that are relating the course work to the country & culture they're living in. I've taken the Child & Youth Human Rights course and found it amazing. Ellen (teacher & writer) is a very fair appraiser of your work. They are through Mount Royal University- which is where I earned my degree in Child Studies.

This course will enable you to understand what all the fuss about Child & Human Rights is all about. Especially Americans whose country has not signed the Convention on the Rights of the Child (there is I think only one other country that belongs to the UN who haven't...either it is Congo or Sudan...I think they're too busy doing other stuff right now). There is a lot of misinformation out there and finding out for yourself PLUS having professional credit is a bonus!

Just reading the course descriptions is interesting!

Child and Youth Human Rights – Fully Online Extension Certificate 
Become an advocate for child and youth human rights and inform your professional practice through this online program that focuses on the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child(CRC).

This certificate is especially useful for individuals interested in learning more about child and youth human rights issues, such as for practitioners within the fields of child and youth care, education, early learning and child care, social work, justice, child welfare and counselling.

 Required Courses (for the certificate)
 Promotion of CRC: Child & Youth Advocacy (Fall 2012)
 Protection Rights: Child & Youth Welfare (Fall 2012)
 Provision Rights: Child & Youth Healthy Development (Winter 2013)
 Participation Rights: Child & Youth Responsible Citizenship (Winter  2013)

 Please visit this website for additional information regarding program  requirements and course descriptions:
ContinuingEducation/children/ childrights/
Martin Luther King Museum, Atlanta, GA
Cultural Diversity in Human Services –
 New Fully Online Extension Certificate
Gain an understanding of the cultural diversity of our changing Canadian society and an awareness of how to apply that knowledge to professional practice in human services. Viewed through the lens of international, national, provincial and territorial human rights legislation, as well as standards of non-discrimination and inclusion, this certificate explores current issues presented by cultural diversity in Canada.

The certificate is ideal those individuals interested in learning more about cultural diversity in Canadian society, such as human services professionals working within the fields of child and youth care,   education, early learning and child care, social work, justice, child  welfare, counselling, nursing, human resources, and health care.

 Required Courses (for the certificate)
 Exploring Cultural Diversity in Canada (Fall 2012)
 Cultural Diversity in the Workplace (Fall 2012)
 Cultural Diversity in the Community (Winter 2013)
 Cultural Diversity in the Family (Winter 2013)
Please visit this website for additional information regarding program requirements and course descriptions: 
ContinuingEducation/healthhumanservice/culturaldiversity/ Online Instructor/Course Writer:
Phoenix, AZ  play yard

Dr Ellen Murray, Mount Royal University

 Register now for Fall 2012!
 P: 403.440.3833 or toll-free 1.877.287.8001

 P: 403.440.6867 or toll-free 1.866.616.3606


Both courses were written by a former Prof of mine...she is really knowledgeable about both subjects. Here is contact information:

Friday, August 10, 2012

Family ties & land

So, spent 10 days with my hubby & a bunch (4) of in-laws. We were bringing Dad/FIL to his brother's 80th b-day party 3 provinces over. He doesn't drive that far & MIL doesn't travel well, ok, she doesn't enjoy traveling. It was really a good one was strangled (me included). I got to see Ontario again...just not the part I have relatives in.

 We visited the remains of that house that he lived in for the first 6 years of his life. It is located next to the land his grandparents homesteaded in the early 1900's.

 This is his brother & I think that is the well or outhouse. I was back at the "house" with my FIL trying in vain to record his memories. It is at the end of the road that is named for his family.

When we were in Winnipeg we found my dad's house that he grew up in. I took a bunch of photos of it & my hubby took one of me standing in front.

I wonder how much it has changed inside. No one came out and I didn't feel I had the time, with 5 people waiting for me in a hot van (even with AC the sun beats in through the windows).

Saw some pretty neat stuff too:

Saskatchewan's Mental Health Corrrectional Facility in North Battleford. (Ellen DeGeneres--say that 3 times fast!)
The stone fence looks handmade

On the steps of the Manitoba Legislature building:
"Oh, don't we all?"

Russell, Manitoba: in 2007 hubby & I stayed overnight there and found it a really neat place...didn't notice the bull then. Or I just can't remember seeing it. How I'd forget this I don't know!

A huge field of Sunflowers growing by Dugald Road, east of Winnipeg. My dad had a family friend who owned a farm that we seemed to often visit during haying season. Cheap labour! (unskilled too). I loved visiting the farm. Uncle Em's parents lived in Anola...and we called them Grampa & Gramma Em. Was years before I realized they were all called the same name & found out that was their surname! Loved them.                              
A field of sunflowers